"Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Bacon Macaroni and Cheese

Not long before Christmas we had dinner in Atlanta at JCT Kitchen.  They have the best macaroni and cheese there.  My sweet son in law loves it and I came home with the determination to have it for him for Christmas dinner.  I think I succeeded.  This is what I did...

Cook a 1 pound box of macaroni noodles in 1 gallon water with 2 tablespoons of salt.  Drain well.

Take about 3 or 4 slices of thick cut bacon and slice it into little pieces.  Cook the pieces of bacon in a pan until the bacon is done.  Remove the bacon to a paper towel to drain and remove all but about a tablespoon of the bacon drippings.  Add the macaroni to the pot and stir to incorporate the bacon drippings with the noodles.  Stir in two cups of grated white vermont cheddar, extra sharp and 2 cups of heavy cream.  Cook on Low for 10 minutes.  Return the bacon pieces to the pot.  Stir and serve.  You can add more cream as needed.

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