"Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Vegetable soup

This is how I use left over vegetables and make the best vegetable soup.  I get a bowl with a tight fitting lid that can go in the freezer.  Every time we have vegetables left over after a meal, I add them to the bowl.  When the bowl is full, it's time for soup.

1 pound ground beef
1 onion diced
1 large can of diced tomatoes
vegetables from the freezer
salt and pepper to taste

Add  ground beef and onions to your soup pot.  Cook until the ground beef is no longer pink.  Add the can of tomatoes.  Add a can of water.  Dump the bowl of frozen vegetables from the freezer.  When the vegetables have thawed and the soup is heated through, it's done.  You can add diced potatoes, rice or noodles also.  It's really a matter of taste.  If you don't like having the pieces of tomato in the soup, you can make it with tomato juice instead. Don't add the water if you use tomato juice.

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