"Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Potato soup with Sausage

Our friend Allen is quite the cook.  He suggested I try this soup.  I did last night, with some minor adjustments to make it easier.  It was delicious!

Italian sausage
Onion diced
1/4 c. flour
bag of Simply Fresh diced potatoes
Salt and pepper

Remove sausage from their casings, add onion and cook until sausage is no longer pink.  Add the flour and stir until the flour absorbs the grease from the sausage.  Add milk.  The amount of milk you add depends on how thick you like your soup.  It will thicken as it cooks.  You can add more if it gets too thick.  Dump in the bag of potatoes and cook for about 10 minutes.  Salt and pepper to taste.

If you are not a fan of italian sausage, regular pork sausage will work as well.

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