"Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Brunswick Stew

I have a really easy Brunswick stew recipe already posted earlier on my blog.   I found another one that I also like. I made a couple of changes to make it easy to do.  Not as easy as the first one but it's worth the extra time it takes to make it.
NOTE...this makes a huge pot.  Unless you are feeding a crowd. Cut it in half.  I still use the same amount of meat though.  
Curley's pork without sauce
Curley's chicken without sauce
(FYI...Publix usually runs them BOGO Every once in a while.  When they do I know it's time to make stew)
1/2 cup butter
2 cups chopped onion
2 teaspoons minced garlic that you buy already minced up in a jar.
2 32oz cartons of chicken broth
1 28oz can of crushed tomatoes
1 16oz package of frozen corn
1 16oz package of petite baby limas
1 15oz can of tomato sauce
1 1/2 cups of your favorite BBQ sauce (vinegar based works best.  If YOUR favorite sauce is not vinegar based just add a tablespoon of vinegar)
2 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon black pepper
1/2 teaspoon salt
In a large dutch oven melt butter.  Add onion and garlic.  Sautee just until onion is tender. Stir frequently.
Stir in broth and next 6 ingredients.  Bring to a boil then lower to a simmer for 30 minutes.  Add both meats and salt and pepper.  Simmer for another 30 minutes.  It's now ready to eat!

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