"Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Tortellini with Alfredo Sauce

 This is another one of my own creations.  It turned out so tasty I just had to share. 

1 pound Italian sausage 

2 10oz.  packs of Rana cheese lovers tortellini from the refrigerated section

8 oz cream cheese 

3/4 cup grated parmesean cheese 

1/2 cup milk

1 stick of butter 

Brown the Italian sausage.  Drain and set aside. 

Prepare the tortellini according to package directions.   Drain and set aside. 

In a sauce pan melt the butter over low heat.   Dice up the cream cheese and add to  butter.  Stir to blend as the butter and cream cheese melt.  Add the the Italian sausage and parmesean cheese and continue to stir until its smooth and well blended.  Carefully fold in to avoid breaking up the tortellini.  Ready to eat!

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