"Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

John Wayne Casserole

When I saw this recipe the other day the name alone drew me to it.  Then I saw the ingredients and I decided that I couldn't loose with this one.  Here is my own easy version.

2 cups baking mix (I like Pioneer)
enough milk to form biscuit dough
1 pound ground beef
1/2 envelope of taco seasoning mix
medium size onion diced
canned green chilies or jalapenos  depending on  your taste
1 cup sour cream
1 cup Hellman's mayonnaise
fresh tomato, maybe two depending on size
8 oz. of cheese.  I used sharp.  Use what YOU like.
salt and pepper

Add milk to the baking mix.  I didn't measure but I'm guessing about 3/4 cup.  You want it to form a dough that you would make biscuits with.  Spray your casserole dish with Pam.  Press the dough into the bottom of the pan.  If you wet your fingers it will help.
Cook the ground beef.  Drain and add the taco seasoning mix.  Spoon onto the raw biscuit dough.  Sprinkle the diced onion over the meat
Peel and slice fresh tomato and arrange the slices on top of the meat.  Salt and pepper.
Mix the sour cream and mayonnaise and spread over the tomatoes.
Add half of the cheese just sprinkling it lightly over mayonnaise and sour cream mixture.
At this point I added jalapenos.  I love the  taste of Jalapenos but don't like the heat.  I have discovered "tame jalapenos" that you buy in a jar in the pickle section.  Larry said it was too much
jalapenos so next time I might dice then up and spread them out thinly.  Feel free to use regular jalapenos in a jar if you like heat or just used the canned diced chilies.  This really is personal preference.  Sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top and bake at 325 degrees for about 45 minutes.  If you let it set a few minutes you can cut it into squares to serve.  I just spooned it out.  It was SO delicious that Larry told me to save the left overs and he really doesn't like left overs, normally.
PS...you can add the whole pack of taco seasoning if you like the meat more spicey.

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