"Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Collards or turnip greens the easy way

We enjoy a pot of collards or turnip greens from time to time but I hate the work it takes to do fresh ones and the frozen ones are never as good. The other day I was at Kroger and discovered they had, in the meat section, baked ham that had been chipped and bagged for sale.  In the fresh vegetable section I found collards and turnip greens that were washed, chopped and ready to cook, in bags.  I bought both.  I came home and put a little oil and the ham in my pot.  When the ham was heated, I added my bag of collards.  Now I picked over them and got rid of the tough stems, but that's just me.  Then I sauteed them slightly.  I added a little more chicken broth and some salt, covered with a lid. Lowered the heat and in a little while I had this really good pot of collards.  Since the meat was in the collards I just made corn bread and the the corn recipe I have already posted.  I was a great meal. I look forward to eating the left over today because everybody knows collards are always better the second day.

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