"Taste and see that the Lord is good." Psalm 34:8

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Kitchen tips from me...

 Tip #1

When bananas get too ripe. Peal them and drop them in a zip lock freezer bag and freeze.  Perfect for when you are ready to make banana bread or muffins.

Tip #2

When you cook vegetables you sometimes have a small amount left over but not enough to save for another meal.  I take a zip lock freezer bag, add the vegetables  and freeze.  The next time I you have left overs, add to the bag.  When the bag is full you have cooked perfectly seasoned mixed vegetables for your vegetable soup.

Tip #3

Next time you want corn on the cob try microwaving.  Put the ear of corn with the shucks still on in the microwave for 3 to 4 minutes depending on the size of the ear.  Shuck under cool running water so the steam won't burn you.  Silks easily come off with the shucks.  

Tip #4

Cook bacon in the oven.  Spread the bacon out on a large cooking sheet with a rim.  Line with aluminum foil orveven better, parchment paper, for easy clean up.   400 degree oven.  How long you cook depends on how crispy you like your bacon. 

Save the bacon drippings in a jar with a lid in the frig for seasoning vegetables. 

Tip #5

I put my sausage patties in a pan and cook in the oven beside my pan of biscuits.  They get ready at the same time.  Flip them over once to ensure they brown on both sides. Do my country ham the same way.

Tip #6

I make old fashion banana pudding from scratch.  No pudding mix. Instead of a double boiler, place the egg, milk, sugar vanilla mixture in the microwave.   Cook for a minute then stir.  Return to the microwave for another minute then stir again.  Keep repeating this until it reaches the desired thickness.   Quicker and easier. 

Kitchen Tips from my friends

I did a survey of my Facebook friends and discovered the following ...

They overwhelmingly favor Blue Plate Mayonnaise, Heinz Ketchup and White Lily flour over all the others.  Although,  my professional cake making friend prefers Pillsbury. 

Freeze left over cornbread and biscuits to make  dressing later. 

Make your own Paula Deen seasoning and cinnamon sugar and keep it on hand.

Separate bananas and wrap the ends with aluminum foil.  They will last longer. 

Keep your kitchen knives sharp. 

Keep a variety of dried beans on hand.  You can always make a meal.

A pinch of salt in spaghetti sauce will remove the acid taste.

Lay a wooden spoon across the pot to keep the pot from boiling over when you are cooking pasta.

Add beef or chicken bullion to enhance the flavor.  "Better than Bullion" is an even better option.

Don't sift flour.  Vigorously wish it instead .

Monday, October 19, 2020


1 1/2 cups self rising flour 

1 1/4 cups milk

1 Tablespoon sugar

1 egg

Mix thoroughly.   Put a splash of cooking oil in a skillet.   Add 1/4 cup of batter.  Cook until golden brown on both sides.   Serve with butter and your favorite syrup. Melt butter and add syrup.  Keep warm on stove until ready to serve.  Learned this from my sister,  Dianne. Makes 8 good size pancakes. 

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Alabama Fire Crackers

 I served these with the homemade tomato soup I listed previously. 

1 box saltines

1  cup of canola oil

1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 

1 packet of ranch dressing mix

2 Tablespoons red pepper (adjust your heat here.  I used less. )

Wish all the ingredients together in a large bowl.  Add the saltines and toss until they are all covered.   Spread on a large pan and bake in a 250 degree oven for 20 minutes. 

You can do just a half recipe if you want.   Once they are cooled store in a zip lock bag.